Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Baby steps

Shane is still in the step-down unit, still on oxygen, and still has the nasal-gastric tube and other drains tubes in.  He is also still receiving antibiotics.  He is in less pain, but he's tired because his heart is beating faster than normal and that takes a lot of energy.  Nevertheless, things are slowly improving.  He sat up in a regular chair and even did a little walking in his room with a walker.  His intestines even started turning back on little bit.  We talked to his surgeon today and he said Shane will be in the hospital for about another week.  He also said Shane's pathology report came back today and looks good.  As a result of the chemo-radiation treatement, he was "down-staged" to stage 1 (T2N0).  In other words, the lymph nodes they tested were all negative for cancer, which means the chance of re-occurance is low. 


  1. Glad to hear about the pathology results, but the complications sound taxing. If there is anything we can do for you two over the next week please, please, please ask and we will be available. All our Love and prayers Tom Powel and Liz Streitz

  2. Good Lord, he is going through it. Very glad to hear that chances of reoccurence are low. I hope this will all be a bad memory some day. Blessings to you both.

  3. Shane,

    Rob gave me the link to your blog so now I can follow your progress. Very happy to hear about the good pathology report, but so sorry you've had to go through all this. You are in my prayers, and I look forward to seeing you when you're ready for visitors.


    Jeff from Tuesday night

  4. Yea! I'm so excited to hear about the pathology report! What great news!

  5. Jeff after the second rd of surgery I am up for visitors. Call me on my cell to set a time.

  6. Thanks for sending us your loving support. Alex holds her own as co-blogger with cranky patient.
