Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The operation went as planned

Shane's operation today was successful.  He received twilight sedation, so he was fully awake about an hour and a half after surgery.  He immediately asked what was for lunch!  His appetite was better today than it has been over the past week, which makes me think the surgery is helping him get better.  The doctor said everything went as expected during the procedure - he rinsed out the abscess and put in the drain.  He also said he didn't see any signs of ischemia, which is a reduction in blood flow to the tissue that can signal more problems in the future.  The doctor said we have to play it by ear now and see whether the infection clears.  I asked if Shane could come home from the hospital this week and the doctor said he can't make any promises.  So, we'll just take it day by day.  Thanks, everyone, for your words of support as we continue on this journey.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Shane and Alex,

    Thanks for the great updates! I've been out of it for a couple days, travelling.

    Wow, I'm so glad to hear that this third operation (second round of clean-up) might've flushed things out. The drain sounds like a good idea, too. Very glad they were able to do it without knocking you cold.

    I'm most encouraged to hear of the races you're running around the oncology unit! Getting up and moving must feel good.

    Keep at it!

    With all my love,
