This morning I made homemade oatmeal and hard boiled eggs and toted them to the hospital so that Shane and I could share a quiet breakfast while we looked out the window at his view. Shane still doesn't have his appetite back. He says food just doesn't taste right, like when you have a cold. Even so, he managed to eat a few spoonfuls of oatmeal and drink some orange juice. He ate half of the egg, a few saltines, and a little bit of chicken soup at lunch. I didn't mention this before, but Shane did have another 101 degree fever on Thursday night even though he is still on antibiotics. Shane's doctors ordered a urine culture and another complete blood count. He may also have another CAT scan on Monday to make sure that no abscesses have formed in his abdomen or pelvis. His diuretics and albumin are working, so much of the swelling, edema, or "third spacing" he experienced in his body after the surgery has subsided. Third spacing is when fluid collects in the spaces between your organs. I don't fully understand the phenomenon, but if you are interested in the chemistry of it, you can checked out this
nursing article on third spacing. Shane also had a lot of visitors today. I visited in the morning and his mom visited in the afternoon. His friend Tom from Tuesday night dropped by. We also met Dave, the son of Shane's aunt's best friend, and his wife Crystal, who happen to live in New York. They brought Shane some delicious mint tea and we had a nice visit. Seems like all the visitors wore Shane out, because he told me he didn't have the energy to watch
The Wire tonight - that's our favorite TV show that we watch on DVD.