Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Black Crims and fractures

Alex and I harvested our first two tomatoes, black crims, this season from our bed in the community garden.  We promptly cooked them in a marinara sauce with some of our fresh basil.

My oncologist also unearthed some new growth.  MRIs and CT scans showed insufficiency fractures (not complete breaks - obvious cause I'm still standing) in my pelvis and sacrum.  In addition to calcium and vitamin D deficiencies, one fracture may have been caused by a lesion.  The lesion visible in the MRI (soft tissue scan) could be benign or malignant.  The orthopedic surgeon does not see evidence of a bone tumor on the CT.  He prefers to wait 3 months then do follow up MRI and CT scans.  If the lesion has grown, he will do a biopsy.  Also, the pre-op radiation treatments I received last fall may have also caused my bones to weaken.

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